CTMD and Fork community joined start mining activities
Dear members of the CTMD community and the Fork community,through the friendly consultation between the CTMD community and the Fork,in order to promote the ecological construction of the CTMD and the development of Fork,and with a sense of responsibility to the members of the respective communities, the two communities have established a deep cooperative relationship.
We have decided to officially open the 10-day bilateral community flash mob mining operation at 2021.5.19 12:00 UTC Time (20:00 China Standard Time) , the CTMD-USDT and Fork-Bnb double coin mines (with transient loss) and CTMD single mines will be launched simultaneously.
The event received strong support from members of both communities, and thanks for your support to the CTMD community and the Fork community . At the same time, we would like to invite our partners from the CTMD and Fork communities to join us!